Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008

Do You Suffer from Marriage?

Marriage \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\

Marriage is the penultimate symptom of the world's leading disease called “love”. The last symptom is, you know it, death!
Invented by some European guy, it somehow ended up in the promised land, a country which was actually supposed to be a place for guys like me, who tried to avoid this plague. Though a lot of people tried to fight it, there were always more people to fight for it. Today, marriage is more dangerous than ever before and it's expansion is unstoppable. But we all can do something to slow it down. As one of the last freedom fighters, I see at as my duty to encourage you to fight marriage! You don't have to do demonstrations or violent stuff. NO! It is much simpler than that. You should just not get married. Its so simple, guys. Tell it you friends. Just five friends and you'll help humanity.

Now, some guys are married and they don't even know it yet. Here are some signs that will help you:

Do you suffer from marriage?
A golden ring on the finger next to your middle finger and pinky.
A woman that is always cleaning your house and making.
A big hangover after a busy night. (Check the finger)
A priest calling you once in a while.
Stuff like shoes, Tide, lipstick, Actually Love, or Desperate Housewives on your creditcard bill.

For guys who married voluntarily, I can just say that I'm sorry. I know how hard love can be and the stuff it forces you into is just horrible. Sleeping with one woman for the rest of your life.. just hearing it breaks my heart. I have no advises for you guys, I can just say that my prayers are with you!

You are welcome


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